Can emojis break the taboo surrounding menstruation?

People of all ages and genders are affected by the big taboo around periods. Periods have traditionally been viewed as dirty, embarrassing, inconvenient, and tied...

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A History of Tampons

Today, tampons are a popular form of period hygiene care. Their convenience and compactness have many women Have you ever wondered where that small wad...

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The Color of your Period Blood Matters

Period blood, not something that’s talked about out loud too often. But it is such an important topic because the colour of your blood can...

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First Period on the Way?

Hey #BlumeBabe first period still on the way? Your first period brings many questions – What is a period? Why am I bleeding? Did I...

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What is a period?

Have you just started your first period? Or, maybe you want to know what to expect when your period arrives? Getting your period for the...

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Wait, there's a tax on tampons?

Did you know that the government thinks tampons are a ‘luxury’ and in many places, charge a tax on them? Wait … what? First of...

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How much blood is too much?

How do you determine how much period blood you’re losing each period? Well, blood loss during menstruation can vary among different women depending on a...

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Paid Period Leave… Yes Please!

Have you ever been sitting behind your desk at work and you’ve come over with a wave of period cramping? If you have then you...

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Keep Period Cramps Away Before Your Summer Vacay

Periods don’t have to stop you from having a blast on your vacay, but menstrual cramps may make you feel a little down in the...

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Period Brain Myth Busted

Yes, some people actually believed that menstruating makes a person less competent. The study examined the association between female hormones and cognitive functioning. Good news,...

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