Here at Blume, healthy skin is perfect skin. This doesn’t mean you won’t breakout from time to time (we’re human), that your pores will suddenly shrink or that the dark circles you inherited will disappear. And that’s OK! The fact that healthy skin can still be home to all our spots and scars, proves that healthy skin is pretty perfect (to us).
It’s always been important for us to make sure our community is seen and represented in our campaigns. It’s always been our way to say, you’re not alone. Here are 9 Blume community members who've shared their real skin journeys and how they focus on healthy skin:
Meet Constanza

What has been the hardest thing for you to overcome in regards to your skin?
That my skin won't ever be enough to some people, but understanding and realizing that I only needed myself. Regarding my skin state, it was also one of the hardest and most welcomed aspects I decided to add to my mindset.
What does healthy skin mean to you?
Healthy skin means comfort and confidence to me. You won't see your skin healthy, even if it's "clear", if you don't love it. You won't stop using and spending money on unnecessary things if you don't start appreciating your body. Taking care of you also comes from knowing what you need, either mentally or physically—that way you will find out what's your own concept of healthy skin.
What have you learned to love about your skin and what advice would you give others to do the same?
Putting myself in first place is the best thing I've learned during this process and the most precious to share. Cutting toxic environments, people who don't appreciate you enough and try to keep you down from glowing. Letting yourself know that you need your own company first will let you see your worth and what things you can change to make yourself feel better—never wait for someone else to make the change!
At Blume, we believe healthy skin is home to many things such as our pores and dark circles. What is healthy skin home to for you?
Knowing that those aren't imperfections. That skin can also have scars, breakouts, marks and still be healthy, because health will never be completely determine by sight.
How has your relationship changed with your skin during quarantine?
I became more aware of my skin by looking at it more but that also made me feel more tolerant towards myself. I was afraid but I learned how normal my skin is by getting used to it little by little.
What has been the hardest thing for you to overcome in regards to your skin?
The hardest thing to overcome is the mental health aspect that comes with acne. To those who have not suffered from chronic acne, it seems to be only a superficial issue, but it often cuts deeper than the eye can see. My mental health was at its worst, I felt ugly and I didn't believe others could love me when I hated myself so much. This turned around when I found the #acnepositivity community on Instagram and connected with people who were going through the same struggles.
What does healthy skin mean to you?
Healthy skin, to me, means skin that is thriving, glowing, and healing itself. I don't think healthy skin is pore less, blemish less, and "glass-like." It may have uneven tones, redness, and even a a few blemishes. Healthy skin is real skin, it is not perfect skin.
What have you learned to love about your skin and what advice would you give others to do the same?
I love that my skin has taught me to take better care of myself, take self-care days, and to not feel ashamed of blemishes because they are normal. My advice to those struggling with their skin, clear 'perfect' skin will never be the "thing that will finally make me happy." You are worth more than resenting and hating yourself for your skin conditions. After all, you cannot hate your skin into healing; it is better to focus on loving your skin and treating yourself with kindness while working towards bettering yourself and your skin.
At Blume, we believe healthy skin is home to many things such as our pores and dark circles. What is healthy skin home to for you?
Healthy skin is home to my oily pores and acne blemishes.
How has your relationship changed with your skin during quarantine?
My relationship with my skin has changed for the better during quarantine. While I still struggle with acne, I have developed an unconditional love for my skin. I am not waiting for it to be "perfect" to love the skin I'm in, and you shouldn't either because "perfect" doesn't exist.
Meet Prisca
What has been the hardest thing for you to overcome in regards to your skin?
First, I had to overcome my own opinion of my skin and I think it was the hardest thing to do because I was hard on myself trying to be perfect and questioning all the time what’s wrong with me. I knew that accepting all of me would be the first step to embracing myself. The moment I started to accept myself, the opinions of other people didn’t matter to me anymore.
What does healthy skin mean to you?
Healthy skin doesn’t mean clear skin. Healthy skin is not based on « perfection ». What does perfection means anyways? There is nothing more natural that hyperpigmentation or acne and there is nothing more imperfect than human beings and we need to accept that! I refuse to accept what our society tries to influence us with this ideology of perfection, because it is hurting us more than anything.
What have you learned to love about your skin and what advice would you give others to do the same?
I love to take care of myself. Taking care of myself makes me happy and it makes me feel like I matter. For example skincare is like a therapy for me; for my skin and for my mind. It’s a process with several levels and during this process I give love to my skin and it feels really good. I don’t expect that my skin will be clear immediately,I know it takes time. I just have to be patient but in the end it is worth it. Love is patient.
Meet Walesska
What has been the hardest thing for you to overcome in regards to your skin?
The hardest thing for me to overcome in regards to my skin was realizing that it would never be “perfect”. I have acne, scars, marks, big pores.. and that’s okay. Accepting myself has been the most difficult part of my journey but also the most rewarding. I’m not saying that I feel great about my skin every single day but I have accepted even that. I allow myself to have “bad” skin days but I don’t allow it to change the way I think of myself. Its still hard but it’s definitely gotten a lot easier for me over time.
What does healthy skin mean to you?
Healthy skin to me means happy skin. Happy skin in the sense that you aren’t using topicals that irritate you or medications that cause more harm than good. Unfortunately, I have done both. At the end of the day, just because you have acne prone skin doesn’t mean it is not healthy. Treating yourself and your skin kindly - that is what healthy skin means to me.
What have you learned to love about your skin and what advice would you give others to do the same?
Honestly, I had to learn to just love my skin period. I spent so many years fighting against my skin and hating myself for it. My biggest mistake was revolving my life around the way my skin looked. It’s easier said than done, but when I don’t focus on my skin so much I can actually enjoy myself and everything going on around me. My advice for others would be to stop spending so much time looking at yourself in the mirror - cover up your mirrors, write over them, stop putting your face so close to them.. DON'T EVER use a magnifying mirror! No one is as focused on your skin as you are, be you, do you, and stop letting your skin rule your life. You’re beautiful!
At Blume, we believe healthy skin is home to many things such as our pores and dark circles. What is healthy skin home to for you?
Healthy skin encompasses all skin types - dry, oily, combination, or normal. That also includes acne, marks, pores, etc. Healthy skin doesn’t mean flawless skin; it doesn’t have a certain look or feel.
How has your relationship changed with your skin during quarantine?
My relationship with my skin during quarantine has been a roller coaster ride. At the beginning of quarantine I decided to look into tele health and was prescribed a medication to help with my acne. Long story short, it made my acne worse and gave me weird side effects. A couple months later I began a new topical for which has been doing wonders for my skin. I had too much free time to scrutinize my skin, every time I looked at myself in the mirror and cried about it many times over the course of the first couple months of quarantine . I’m happy to be over that phase but I still have bad days, fortunately, I’ve learned that it’s okay and it’s normal for my skin to fluctuate.
Meet Gabby
What has been the hardest thing for you to overcome in regards to your skin?
I still struggle with hormonal acne. If it's my time of the month, there is a 99% chance that my chin is flaring up with pimples. However, I've gotten better at accepting they're going to come no matter what, and understanding which products are right for my skin to help treat said pimples in the best and most efficient way.
What does healthy skin mean to you?
Healthy skin to me means feeling good. Sticking to a routine, and doing what feels right for my skin. Pimples are flare ups are going to come no matter what, but healthy skin to me is making sure my routine is what my skin is asking for, and sticking to it!
What have you learned to love about your skin and what advice would you give others to do the same?
I'm always going to have a few blemishes, I'm not sure my skin has ever been 100% perfect, but the older I've gotten the more I've accepted that. By understanding perfection isn't quite attainable, I've felt so much better in my skin! It's all about recognizing the good not the bad. I may have a flare up on my jaw bone, but I bet my cheeks or forehead are looking great! Focus your energy on appreciating what part of your skin looks great, and your blemishes elsewhere will become much less of a personal issue.
At Blume, we believe healthy skin is home to many things such as our pores and dark circles. What is healthy skin home to for you?
Healthy skin is home to my freckles, which I'm grateful stick around year round.
How has your relationship changed with your skin during quarantine?
I think we can all agree that masks have made our skin change-- and in my case, for the worst. I've had flare ups and break outs like never before, and went to a dermatologist for the first time ever. Although my skin isn't as clear and bright as it used to be, I've grown to better understand my skin. Knowing what causes break outs, what's the fastest way to get rid of them, why my skin is acting a certain way, and what can I give it to help it be calm. So even though my skin has changed, I've also grown in my understanding of it!
Meet Liz
What has been the hardest thing for you to overcome in regards to your skin?
The biggest fear was not overcoming social judgement but overcoming my own inner toxic self critic. While I received nasty comments from my relatives and strangers, the worst comments were deeply rooted in my mind. I started to believe in the dialogue around acne being disgusting. As a result, I was constantly insulting myself as I scrutinized my skin in the mirror for hours, sometimes even subconsciously without realizing the detriment.
What does healthy skin mean to you?
Healthy skin means not seeking for perfection as perfection doesn't exist. The 'glass' / 'pore less' skin we see advertised around us is unrealistic. The more we stop striving for perfect skin, the easier it is to embrace our natural bare face, which to me is healthy skin; one that is embraced and loved.
What have you learned to love about your skin and what advice would you give others to do the same?
I have learnt that my skin is protecting me in ways that others might not understand. My acne for example isn't disgusting or dirty, nor is it a 'flaw'. It's simply something that helps me understand more about my own body; it's teaching me something that others without acne might have otherwise dismissed. Skin is the largest organ in our body and usually an outward portrayal of our inner health. Instead of getting angry at our skin, thank it for showing you that you need to focus on improving an aspect of your health. Whenever I break out between my brows, it's usually because of a lack of sleep. I overwork myself without realizing it but my acne reminds me to take a step back, take a deep breath and helps me re-shift my schedule so I can take better care of my physical and mental health. One advice I would give is to know that you can be a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously. Seeking for improvement is a form of self love, so while endeavoring for solutions, you can love and embrace your current skin. It deserves as much love as when it's clear. With and without acne, be kind to your skin.
How has your relationship changed with your skin during quarantine?
Quarantine meant more time at home. I was able to dedicate more time to skincare and self pamper on days I usually wouldn't. It allowed me to see myself makeup free more often, as a result this extra time nurtured my self love and boosted my comfort in my own skin.
What has been the hardest thing for you to overcome in regards to your skin?
One of the hardest things for me to overcome was being okay with things that were imperfect and finding patience. I was always the girl with clear skin, not having to worry about scars or hyperpigmentation. Since I over exfoliated my skin months ago, I've been trying to be patient with myself and with my scars, something I learned to embrace about myself. It was hard but it was achievable.
What does healthy skin mean to you?
Healthy skin comes in different forms and is interpreted differently by every individual. As long as you're happy with how your skin looks and feels, I'd say that it's the healthiest it can be.
What have you learned to love about your skin and what advice would you give others to do the same?
I learned to love my scars. They remind me of how I'm still learning on what my skin can take and what it can't. My advice is to find the value in where your skin is now. You can't change a thing if you cry about it.
At Blume, we believe healthy skin is home to many things such as our pores and dark circles. What is healthy skin home to for you?
Healthy skin is home to my dark circles. I try to emulate my bright energy through my personality so the dark circles are fine just where they are.
How has your relationship changed with your skin during quarantine?
I've learned to communicate with my skin. If my skin doesn't like something, it's completely scratched off from the shelf. If my skin loves it, I'll be as consistent as I can be with it. Listening and being patient are two elements that helped me reach a deeper level of love with my skin.
Meet Toni
What has been the hardest thing for you to overcome in regards to your skin?
The hardest thing has been just learning how to be comfortable in my skin. It's hard to feel like my skin is normal when all I see in advertising, movies, media in general is people with perfect, clear skin. And a lot of times, there is no representation in the media for someone who looks like me, a Black woman. It affects my mood and self-esteem sometimes. Although this part has improved in the last few months, there are still days where I get down about my skin and have to make the active choice to stay confident!
What does healthy skin mean to you?
To me healthy skin is skin that is loved, appreciated, and taken care of, regardless of acne or other conditions.
What have you learned to love about your skin and what advice would you give others to do the same?
I've learned that my skin is very resilient and is able to bounce back from pretty much anything. To anyone struggling, I'd say to stay calm, nourish their skin with the appropriate products, stay consistent, and have faith.
At Blume, we believe healthy skin is home to many things such as our pores and dark circles. What is healthy skin home to for you?
My skin is healthy but it still has some acne, hyperpigmentation, pores, oil, etc. I don't see any of these things as "flaws" they're just a part of my skin.
How has your relationship changed with your skin during quarantine?
I really made the commitment to taking care of skin in March 2020. I was at a point where I was upset about my skin everyday, but (in hindsight) I wasn't doing anything good for it. I decided to make the investment because I recognized that my mental health was being affected. I started following skin positivity accounts on IG and also started my own. Finding and building community has really helped me build confidence and self-esteem regarding my skin. I've also learned that having acne, large pores, dark spots, etc does not mean that one doesn't have healthy skin. It can be both. In the last year or so I've learned to embrace my skin for what it is!
What has been the hardest thing for you to overcome in regards to your skin?
The hardest thing for me to overcome in regards to my skin is the embarrassment that comes with skin conditions. Due to my embarrassment, my confidence hindered and continuously decreased. Confidence is still something I am working on building everyday in all aspects, not just my skin!
However, I realized that it was really my own anxiety that manifested itself in embarrassment cause I was worried, nervous, anxious over what people would think of my skin, but really, no one did! Once I broke the mental mindset of "everyone is looking at my skin" I was able to overcome my anxiety and embarrassment and build up confidence again!
What does healthy skin mean to you?
Healthy skin to me means that not only are you feeling happy, comfortable, and confident in your skin, you have control over it! Regardless of number of blemishes, acne scars, rosacea outbreaks, healthy skin to me means you are able to recognize what products are working or not working for you.
Skincare is a completely different language and I still learn everyday! I think it's really important to know the products and ingredients you're using so you can not only embrace your beautiful face and skin, but to love what you're using and let that manifest into healthy, happy skin!
What have you learned to love about your skin and what advice would you give others to do the same?
I wish there was a simple equation to love your skin! Skin is completely unique to you, and that's the beauty of it. My skin journey was filled with shame and embarrassment at first, and I let that take over my daily life and I allowed the condition of my skin dictate the quality of my life. I stopped doing the things I loved and being around the people that made me the happiest due to my own insecurities. I reached my breaking point of un-happiness and was exhausted of making excuses and spending hours covering my face.
I decided to go out again, be with the people I love and do the things that made me the happiest without the worries of my acne. I just had to reach my threshold and break that glass ceiling and keep my head up!
At Blume, we believe healthy skin is home to many things such as our pores and dark circles. What is healthy skin home to for you?
Healthy skin home to me is what makes me, me! Skin is so unique and tells a story! Mine is that my acne scars represent my tumultuous skin journey and the growth that led me to where I am today. Grow through what you go through, babe!! Wouldn't want to me anywhere other than where my journey led me today. So incredibly grateful for my acne, because it made me so much stronger and confident!
How has your relationship changed with your skin during quarantine?
My skin has changed a lot these past months! My situation is unique as I stopped taking Accutane in November 2019 and the following months was a real tell all of how my skin would react once the months of oral retinoids were out ofvmy system. I also decided in June 2020 I wanted to stop taking birth control so my skin has not only been impacted by acne-mechanica aka mask-ne, I also have been dealing with more frequent and hormonal breakouts. Since I dealt with severe acne before, I don't let myself sweat the minor breakouts, but I still do get nervous and worried my skin will go back to how it was.
However, i found out this summer I have PCOS which means I have higher testosterone levels than estrogen which has a major impact on my hormonal breakouts. Overall, if I had to describe my relationship with my skin it would be: conscious, clinical, and confident (no matter what!)