4 Questions With Our Co-Founders and Sisters, Taran & Bunny

We’re sitting down with co-founders Taran & Bunny and for a Bluming recap and look at the year ahead. T&B co-founded Blume over 4 years ago to make incredible products for sensitive and acne prone skin, while normalizing skin conditions like acne, hyper pigmentation and more :) Their north store is creating the most effective clean products on the market, while always prioritizing HEALTHY skin over perfect skin (because there’s no such thing!) Read on for a short interview with our founders.

What Blume product do you ALWAYS travel with? 

Taran: Skin Therapy, Blume’s all in one nourishing oil. Flying makes my skin really dry and since Skin Therapy is 75% squalene it is VERY hydrating. It’s also amazing to travel with because I can also add it to the ends of my hair, as a body oil and even mix it into foundation for an extra glow :) 

Bunny: Blume Buds, my skin ALWAYS breaks out while I’m traveling so I try to keep a few extra on me at all times to pop one on whenever I need it. Plus, they’re so easy to travel with since they take up no space in my skin care bag.

What is your favorite Blume product hack that every Blumer needs to know?

Taran: There are soooo many! The fact that Superpower Clay Mask can be used as a spot treatment on active acne is one of my favs, to alternate with Meltdown. Also, mixing Meltdown into Superpower and applying all over does wonders for clarifying skin. It also smells like an ACTUAL spa! 

Bunny: Cloud 9 doesn’t just have to be used when you have your period. I personally love using Cloud 9 as a perfume when I’m on the go or when I have a headache, I apply it to my temples. It’s so versatile, easy to use and the smell is so calming. 

What are you most proud of in 2022?

Taran: Our team worked so hard in 2022 and hit some really incredible milestones. I’m extremely proud of our launch on The Next Big Thing Wall at Sephora! We’re so grateful to our Bluming community for helping us achieve this incredible milestone and very excited for all the growth that’s to come. I’m also really proud of our team for launching BLUME BUDS, our biodegradable acne patches. We’re all about normalizing acne at Blume, and what better way to do that than with a cute acne patch that WORKS! 

Bunny: We rolled out a whole new packaging look in 2022! This was one of the biggest projects of the year, but I’m so proud of how it turned out. We opted for glass and aluminum packaging where possible, and all products that are made out of plastic include PCR. We were also able to source tree-free carton boxes which was huge for us. In 2022, we continued our sustainability commitment as a plastic-neutral and climate-neutral brand.  I’m really excited to continue evolving these initiatives in 2023. 

Last question! What are you most excited about in 2023?

Taran: I’m most excited for our next product launch! We’ve been working on it for years now and we hope you all love it as much as we do! Hint: It’s blue and smells amazing. 

Bunny: Our holiday bundles. We have something *really* cute planned!!