Nicole is a Certified Women’s Health Coach and the creator of Fix Your Period, a series of programs that empower women to reclaim their hormone health using a method that combines simplicity and sass. Her incredible work has impacted the lives of thousands of women around the world in effectively addressing issues like PMS, PCOS, infertility, amenorrhea, and many more.
Rather than treating problems or symptoms, Nicole treats women by addressing the root cause of what’s really going on in their bodies and minds. She passionately believes that the fundamentals to healing any hormonal imbalance lie in an approach that addresses the unique physiology of every woman. This is essential to reclaiming and maintaining feminine vitality at any age.
1) What would you tell your 12 year old self?
Two things.
- I know it might feel hard right now and you’re going through what feels like massive life changes, but I promise life gets soooo much better.
- You must pursue your dreams, no matter what! And you must do whatever it takes to get there.
When I was 14 I read an article in Marie Claire magazine about a woman who had changed careers to go work in the movie industry. It was a huge risk that she took because she had to start at the bottom as a production assistant after having been successful in her previous career. I went to my mom and said I wanted to be a production assistant in the movies and she kind of rolled her eyes. But I just knew that was what I was meant to do. I worked and saved, got a loan and got scholarships. I really had nothing but I busted my ass in college and graduated with honors, then worked for free, cold called producers, traveled long distances at my expense for jobs, so I could achieve this dream. Eventually I worked on big events like the MTV Video Music Awards, and the Super Bowl, million dollar commercials with celebs and more.
The same goes for my career as a health coach. I was the most unlikely candidate for this second career, but once I had decided this was what I wanted to do, I simply went for it!! I did my coaching certification, and then did additional training to specialize in women’s health. Now I’m a well-known women’s health coach with a very successful online business. Completely different from what I imagined my life to be, but I truly believe I was put on the planet to do this work!
2) What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
That I was born and raised on the Caribbean island of Antigua. Yes, I am a white girl from the Caribbean – we’re a rare breed but we do exist. I don’t think anyone has ever guessed where I am from correctly! I came to the US for college in my late teens (see answer above), and decided I wanted to stay here so I could pursue my dreams. Most of my family lives in Antigua, and I visit 1 or 2 times a year. It’s especially nice to be able to go “home” to Antigua during the winters in NYC!
3) What is a piece of advice you would give to women who are struggling with their hormonal health?
There is so much I can say here!
First, for anyone who is struggling with a hormonal imbalance or another condition, there is hope and there are answers. Educating yourself and taking ownership of your body is the first step. Please don’t just accept whatever diagnosis you’ve been given as a life sentence. There is literally so much you can do to either improve your symptoms or eliminate them completely. You just need to find the right practitioner and the right protocol!
Second, it’s actually NOT normal to have period problems or any other kind of chronic condition. It may be statistically normal, as in, your mom, your sister and many of your friends have it, but it’s not biologically normal. We weren’t designed to need a great deal of medical intervention to function optimally.
I believe it is your right to have vibrant, optimal health! And I want you to believe that too.
4) What is your favourite way to unwind?
I love hanging out with my guy in the outdoors. We take lots of walks in the park near our house, and go on lots of bike rides and picnics in Central Park. I also really like to lay on the couch and watch netflix – who doesn’t right? LOL And spending time with my best girlfriends fills my tank like nothing else. Oh, and I am obsessed with racquetball.
5) How do you think people can help break the stigma and taboo around menstruation?
When you shine light on something that is considered taboo, it no longer feels scary or shameful, so take the time to educate yourself about your body, your hormones, your period and your sexual health. I have a TON of information on my site about all of these topics. We have zero excuses to not be in the know about how our periods work. Remember, knowledge makes you into a powerful superwoman who no one will want to mess with. You will no longer suffer in silence during “that time of the month” when it isn’t a source of shame anymore.
According to the author Brene Brown, secrecy, silence and judgment feed shame, and the way to stop the cycle is to speak it out loud. She says “shame needs secrecy, silence and judgement to grow, but shame cannot survive being spoken.”
Think of one person in your life who you trust and can talk to about all of this stuff. Is there someone? A close friend, your sister, your mom, an aunt, a healthcare practitioner, a coach? Or maybe you have a group of like-minded women in your life? Consider creating a moon circle with them, or finding one that already exists. Moon circles, which are really trendy right now, allow women to share their stories (health or otherwise), set intentions, use affirmations and meditate together.
In my opinion, these are the easiest ways to begin busting the stigma and taboo around menstruation and how women’s bodies work.