Blume Takes the Conversation IRL

Did you know? Millions of Americans still don’t have access to sex ed that is factual, inclusive, or relatable. So… what are states teaching? With the recent launch of Blume’s largest campaign to date, and one that’s close to our team’s heart, The States of Sex Ed is here to provide equal access to *free* information because it’s a matter of public health, and a human right to know our bodies. No one deserves to be penalized or limited access to these kinds of resources that guide us to better understand our body science and healthy decision making simply because of their geographical location! 

Sexual health education is the right to know our own bodies, what they do, how they work, and how to take care of them. To fill in the gaps for the (many) states in the US that still don’t mandate medically accurate and LGBTQ-inclusive comprehensive sex ed, Blume’s Conversation Cards are here to help. No longer bound by physical borders, you can bring the various topics of sex ed into your state and space here. Here in Blume University, we’ve always loved opening up dialogue on all things puberty, periods and sex ed, so we’re excited to finally make it official and take it offline with you! 

So, what’s included? This physical deck dives into 6 key topics:

Self Care: We’re going beyond our fave face mask or TV show marathon. This topic is here to focus on you! These cards guide us to evaluate how we practice showing love and care to our mind, body and soul, as well as working through tougher emotions. 


Body Science: No lab coats necessary for this science lesson! Just be sure to keep an open mind. This topic includes all things gender, identity, periods, and how babies are made! Definitions, fun diagrams, and discussion prompts can be found right here.


Body Positivity: What does body positivity mean to you? The one relationship guaranteed to last forever is the one we have with ourselves! This topic takes a deep dive into how we show our bodies love and how we support those around us going through different journeys of self-acceptance and self-love.


Consent & Decision Making: What is consent? This fundamental topic will help you to know it and practice it. And hey, there’s no better time than now to talk about it. We’re talking about the butterflies you may feel, how to know you’re ready for sexual activity and what feels good for you and your partner. 


Healthy Relationships: Relationships encompass every connection we have. Here, we discuss everything from intimate relationships and romantic relationships to the friends and family we have in our lives. We’re gently prompted to think about maintaining safe mental, emotional and physical boundaries, empowering us to have these all-important conversations with the people in our lives that we devote our time and energy to. 


Puberty: Everyone goes through puberty. Fact. Although it can sometimes feel awkward and isolating, always remember you’re not alone. Through these cards, we’re able to explore all the exciting changes going on inside and outside our bodies and how to manage them. 

Needless to say, we can all use a little (or a lot) more dialogue on sex ed and self-care, no matter our age, gender or state we live in. Join us in taking the conversation IRL for yourself, engaging those around you, and future generations. Share this deck with any educators, teachers, parents, or youth you know!